What is COVID-19?
             Coronavirus is a pandemic disease or infectious disease produced in the respiratory system and it is spread in many countries. It comes out in Wuhan, China in 2019 so the name given as COVID-19. It is a type of virus that causes an infection in your nose, throat, sinus, etc. It spread from person to person contact. Serious illness was seen is older people, whose age is more than 60 years, and those having problems like cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease. Till there is no vaccine for this dangerous virus. Research is ongoing for the vaccine or for the treatment and world health organization (WHO) always gives the updated information related to the coronavirus.
covid-19 virus

How does COVID-19 spread?
         If you are coming in the contact of an infected person. It spread from one person to another person by small droplets released in the air by sneezing, coughing, and speaking also. If a healthy person breathes in this air then he is infected by this virus. These droplets are heavy so they can not travel more distance, it is spread in some feet and after that it will drop down to surface with some time. So physical and social distancing is important.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
         Symptoms appear within 14 days from infected and most common symptoms areas :
  • Dry cough
  • Fever
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Tiredness
  • Pain in muscle
  • Headache
  • Loss of test and smell
  • Chest pain
  • Runny nose
Some people have infected but they have very mild symptoms.

How Can protect our-self and others getting infected?
       The most important thing for protection is social distancing, put at list 5 feet distance from other peoples and use an N95 mask, or use a cloth mask. Do not go outside if not necessary and in case it is important to go outside for daily needs or any other reason do not touch common places. Whenever you come to home wash your hand immediately, using sanitizer or handwash or body soap. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth because viruses are entered from these areas.

What should I do if I have coronavirus symptoms?
               If you think you have a minor symptoms of COVID-19 like mild Pandamic diseasedry cough, mild fever, running nose, etc. then stay at home and became self-isolated stay in touch to your doctor because many people can recover without medical care if they have high immunity power, and do not visit public places. Get medical care if necessary, call your doctor or call on 911.
